by Dev Ear in

HOWDY everyone, and welcome back to another development blog for ZSGO! In this blog, we’ll catch you up on everything happening. After being referenced in Dev Blog #11, we have begun work on new features such as Zombie AI tweaks and Missions from the traders! The Demo is almost up and running (about 2 weeks out), so you and your friends can try out these new features! Remember, our Kickstarter is also currently live so be sure to check it out! We are grateful to everyone who is helping out.

Free Demo

With our Demo’s pending release, players seeking to enter the world of ZSGO will finally get this opportunity! The demo will be accessible on our Steam page, so you can tap into all of the game’s features. Unlike the full version of the game, you’ll spawn into the safe zone, so no worries. Once you familiarize yourself with the traders and the inventory system be sure to take some time to explore the environment. We made sure to hide some surprises so keep your eyes peeled!

Zombie AI Upgrades

Just in time for the demos’ release, we made sure to get the zombies in a state we are happy with. There’s always work to be done of course, as this is AI. However, it currently feels engaging and unpredictable so watch your back out there!

Not only do the zombies act in an immersive manner, but they also have gotten some upgrades to their loot system. Be sure you’re checking the zombies you kill since they can drop some key items every now and then. Some of this loot could mean life or death!

There are several different options we have when working with the zombie AI. From aggression to loot, all of these aspects can be tampered with. Be sure to drop by Discord and let us know how you would like to see the zombies behaving.

Missions A.K.A. Quests!

Since the beginning of ZSGO’s conception, we knew there was no choice but to have missions. Luckily, we have managed to deliver an early version of this system for the demos release. You can take on these missions by approaching the traders that you meet in the safe zone. Of course, the rewards get better the more you help out these traders, so don’t take this opportunity lightly!

The traders won’t always give you money, sometimes there is a chance for valuable items too. Also, not all traders in the demo have missions for you, so be sure to stop by each one to figure out what needs to be done. Some may not even be in the safe zone. 😉

In Conclusion

A playable version is right around the corner and we have high hopes for the future of ZSGO. This is our passion project and we will continue to work towards producing a great game no matter what obstacles are to come. Hopefully, this update hyped you up enough to check out the demo, the AI tweaks, and the new missions added to the game!

Thank you for your continued support, and we can’t wait to see you in ZSGO!

P.S. Our trailer is also now officially LIVE! You can check it out here.

Zombie Survival Game Online's, Dev Ear, sitting in a chair by a fire.
Howdy survivors!
I'm Dev Ear and I mainly handle the gameplay loop, web development, and Discord! I have also been surviving online FPS games for 10+ years. I have probably briefly touched every survival fps game you can think of.
The current survival fps drought means that it’s time for our team to step in and create what everyone has been waiting for!
Besides game development, I like making music and every now and then touching some grass. Since release, it's been nothing but ZSGO however. Can't wait to see what the game evolves into!
See you all in ZSGO!

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One Comment

 by Dev Gibby in August 20, 2023

Reach out on the discord if you want a free demo beta key!

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